Friday, 21 September 2012

Impossible things made possible!

Herbie was trying to look for answers today for the competitions in his National Geographic Kids magazine. By the way they've for some great prizes in there this issue, including a family holiday to Thailand.


One of the answers was the name of a certain famous escape artist from a bygone age, famously called Mr Handcuffs!

Which led to us watching this

and this.....

and the quote at the end of that last movie is so brilliant that this whole post was devised just so I could write it! 

"My mind is the key that sets me free"   
- Harry Houdini

Isn't that just a really powerful thought for the day?

This reminds me to today of the illusion of impossibility. 

There are some things that seem to defy logic, that seem unlikely, or impossible or improbable. And yet they can be done. Everyday miracles. Bumble-bees flying. Babies being born. Hard boiled eggs being sucked into a glass bottle. Aeroplanes flying. Water freezing only as its poured.

Here's another thought....

Alice: This is Impossible
The Mad Hatter: Only if you believe it is
six impossible things

How many impossible things will you attempt today, dear reader? 
How impossible are they really?



  1. excellent, we've talked a little about houdini, Elderflower will love these Thank you !

  2. It was another one of those random discoveries - don't you just love those?
