Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Happy Birthday Mr. Shakespeare!!!

Haaaappy Birthday to you, 
Happy Birthday to you, 
We love you Mr. Shakespeare, 
Happy Birthday to you.....

We love you so much we came to visit The Globe on Sunday to celebrate you!

And here's a wee bit of Shakespearean fun for you all. Enjoy!


Friday, 19 April 2013

With my own two hands

Whilst trying to find the words to describe the mind-blowing thing that happened to me this week, this song came in on the breeze.... with my own two hands.....a song about the power we hold in our own two hands to change the world a tiny bit and make it better. This week, I was surprised and delighted to  catch a baby girl, with enormous love and a trembling heart, without fear, as she came into the world, with her mama and papa both magnificent and strong and beautifully doing their thing. Little girl was in a hurry and happy to come before the midwife arrived, and so it happened that I lovingly helped to create a sacred and trusting space for something beautiful to happen.... I am still a little in shock, but more than that I am a lot in love - with mama, papa and their little magic yurt-baby!!! Life is beautiful xxxxxxxx


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Read about us in EOS magazine

Hey there lovelies!

The latest issue of the wonderful Education Outside School magazine is out, with loads of fab articles, ideas etc, including Part Two of our road trip adventures.

If you like it - share it on facebook - send it to a friend - spread the word - EOS is a really great resource and it's currently 100% free! :-)

This link will take you to the list of books and resources that we took along on our bus which we all learnt from!

amazon links

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Heart and soul expanding days :-)

Thanks for your nudges and comments and sweet letters recently to keep me on track with focusing on this space - I have been spending a lot of time soaking up some great birthing ideas, wisdom and philosophy just lately and pouring a lot of love and focus into my new blog and website....

I am loving the friendships I am striking up with other doulas and feel like I am getting high off their energy, their stories, their passion and enthusiasm for deepening their understanding of birth. Ditto those of my dear friends who also like to talk birthy stuff with me. It is seriously such a mind-expanding and phenomenal learning journey I feel I am on, and I am loving every second! It is so, so SO fantastic to talk to people who really get me! I am so grateful for this, it is untrue. You all know who you are, and I thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.

Whilst on call, I am limited geographically in where I can go and what I can do but it has brought me some real blessings and I feel really grateful for them. It is essentially a time in which I have found myself pampering and nurturing myself on a whole new level. I am thinking about my health and diet and putting a lot of time into that. I am focusing on healing hurts, enjoying my sexy and delicious husband, playing fun things the kids and doing what our family needs to do, not what the world and his dog would like from us! I am enjoying creative time, and have been baking and making and learning new things like Origami. Abstaining from any alcohol at all has brought my vision a bit clearer (Not that I am a big-time drinker anyway, but ya know....)

These last few weeks I have had some quality time with friends and some heart to heart chats that have helped me enormously - again, you know who you are, thank you :-) gaining new perspectives and learning some spiritual lessons has made me stronger, brighter, more alive, more able to integrate and cope with the complexities of life. 

In short, I am really grateful for my life exactly as it is right now, and the new directions my world is going in! I'm in love with all the beautiful people who make my days bright, who put the colours in my rainbow, who give me counsel, who nourish me, and make me belly laugh. You know who you are, and I love you all!

Life is good!